101 Dalmatians Baskin Robbins Promotional Sticker Giveaway Poster (1985) - ID: jandalmatians22296

101 Dalmatians Baskin Robbins Promotional Sticker Giveaway Poster (1985) - ID: jandalmatians22296 Walt Disney


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Price: $50.00
SKU: jandalmatians22296

A promotional poster for a 101 Dalmatians giveaway. Featuring the animated characters from the Disney Studios “101 Dalmatians” (1961), the poster was manufactured in 1985 in collaboration with Baskin Robbins ice cream. The poster boasts a sheet of “Free! Walt Disney’s 101 Dalmatians Holiday Stickers with any purchase.” Measuring 36"x24" with an image size of 32"x21", the poster is in good condition with a large horizontal crease down the middle of the poster, with general handling and edge wear.

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